Using "Rejection Therapy" To Build Bravery & Resilience (Inc. 20 Examples)

Using "Rejection Therapy" To Build Bravery & Resilience (Inc. 20 Examples)

November 17, 20235 min read

Rejection is a powerful force that often holds us back from pursuing our dreams and taking risks. However, what if we could change our perception of rejection and transform it into a tool for personal growth? Enter Rejection Therapy, a self-help technique that encourages us to intentionally seek out rejection 😳 in order to build bravery and resilience. In this blog, I explore the concept of Rejection Therapy and give you with 20 examples of how to embrace rejection, using inspiration from the TEDx Talk "What I Learned From 100 Days of Rejection" by Jia Jiang [^1].

1. The Compliment Challenge:

Approach a stranger and give them a genuine compliment, fully expecting them to reject it. This exercise helps you develop the courage to express kindness without attachment to the outcome.

2. The Borrowed Pen:

Ask someone to borrow their pen in a public setting, knowing they might decline. This exercise helps you overcome the fear of inconveniencing others and teaches you to handle rejection gracefully.

3. The Dance Floor Request:

Approach a stranger at a social event and ask them for a dance, anticipating the possibility of rejection. This exercise helps you face social anxiety, build confidence, and realize that rejection in a social context is often not personal.

4. The Discount Inquiry:

In a store, ask a salesperson for an additional discount on an item you're purchasing, even though you know it's unlikely they will grant your request. This exercise helps you overcome the fear of negotiation and rejection in a consumer context.

5. The Bookstore Request:

Ask a bookstore employee if they have a book that does not exist, like "The Secret Life of Unicorns." Embrace the potential rejection as an opportunity to practice humor, creativity, and handle light-hearted rejection.

6. The Job Shadow Proposal:

Reach out to a professional in your field of interest and ask if you can shadow them for a day to gain insights into their work. Prepare yourself for potential rejection and use each rejection as a stepping stone to improve your networking skills.

7. The Art Exhibition Submission:

Submit your artwork, writing, or photography to various exhibitions or publications, knowing that most will reject your submission. This exercise helps you detach from external validation and focus on the joy of creative expression.

8. The Public Speaking Challenge:

Volunteer to speak at a public event or join a toastmasters club and embrace the possibility of rejection or failure. This exercise helps you conquer stage fright, improve your communication skills, and develop resilience in the face of potential judgment.

9. The Charity Fundraiser:

Organize a charity event or fundraiser and prepare yourself for potential rejection when seeking sponsors or donations. Use each rejection as an opportunity to refine your pitch, enhance your persuasive skills, and remain motivated in your cause.

10. The Personal Ask:

Approach a person you admire and ask them for advice, mentorship, or a favor, knowing that they may decline. This exercise helps you overcome the fear of reaching out to others, teaches you to handle rejection gracefully, and opens doors for unexpected opportunities.

11. The Parking Spot Request:

Ask a stranger leaving a crowded parking lot if you can have their spot, even though they might reject your request. This exercise helps you overcome the fear of inconvenience and rejection in everyday situations.

12. The Public Display of Talent:

Perform a talent or skill, such as singing or playing an instrument, in a public space where people might reject your performance. This exercise helps you conquer stage fright, build confidence, and embrace vulnerability.

13. The Networking Event Introduction:

Attend a networking event and approach influential individuals, introducing yourself and your aspirations. Embrace the possibility of rejection and use each interaction as an opportunity to improve your networking skills.

14. The Product Idea Pitch:

Share a unique product or business idea with friends, family, or strangers, expecting that they might reject it. This exercise helps you refine your ideas, develop a thick skin, and learn from constructive feedback.

15. The Writing Submission:

Submit your written work, such as articles or stories, to publishers or online platforms, knowing that many will reject it. This exercise helps you overcome the fear of rejection in the creative writing field and fosters persistence.

16. The Social Media Challenge:

Post something vulnerable or unconventional on social media, knowing that some may reject or criticize it. This exercise helps you develop authenticity, face the fear of judgment, and build resilience against online negativity.

17. The Collaboration Proposal:

Approach someone you admire in your field and suggest a collaboration or joint project, even if they might reject your proposal. This exercise helps you overcome the fear of rejection and build valuable connections.

18. The Job Application for Stretch Roles:

Apply for jobs or positions that seem beyond your qualifications, embracing the possibility of rejection. This exercise helps you expand your comfort zone, develop confidence in your abilities, and learn from each application.

19. The Public Speaking Critique:

Ask a trusted friend or mentor to critique your public speaking performance, welcoming constructive feedback and potential rejection. This exercise helps you grow as a speaker, develop resilience to criticism, and refine your skills.

20. The Club or Group Joining:

Join a club or group related to a hobby or interest, knowing that you might face rejection during the application or initiation process. This exercise helps you embrace rejection as a natural part of finding your tribe and discovering new passions.

Rejection Therapy presents a unique approach to personal growth and resilience by embracing rejection and reframing our relationship with it. By intentionally seeking rejection in various aspects of life, we can build bravery, improve our ability to handle setbacks, and foster a resilient mindset. Through these 20 examples inspired by Jia Jiang's video on Rejection Therapy, you can embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, personal development, and the realization that rejection is not the end, but a stepping stone toward growth.

[1]: Jiang, J. (2015, February 3). Rejection Therapy. YouTube. Retrieved from

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