50 Minimalism Tips to Simplify Your Life & Find Peace

50 Minimalism Tips to Simplify Your Life & Find Peace

May 20, 20244 min read

I'm on the journey back to minimalism. If you didn't know already, I am a stepdad to 4 kids. My 2 youngest twin boys turn 18 in 6 months. WTF?!?! Therefore, my partner & I are having "empty nest conversations" now...a fearful, yet freeing conversation to have!

PSD (Pre Step Dad) I was very much a minimalist. I mean, I could be because it was just me. With kids, comes stuff...and that's fair enough. But, I've let myself be overwhelmed, bogged-down, burdened & distracted. It's not just stuff, it's my Modus Operandi.

Minimalism is more than just decluttering your space; it's a mindset that can help you focus on what truly matters. Whether you're looking to simplify your home, finances, schedule, or mindset, these 50 tips will guide you (and me!) towards a more intentional and peaceful life.

Decluttering Your Space

1. Start Small: Tackle one room or area at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
2. One In, One Out: For every new item you bring into your home, remove one.
3. Use the 90/90 Rule: If you haven’t used an item in the last 90 days and don’t plan to in the next 90, consider letting it go.
4. Create a Decluttering Schedule: Set aside regular time slots for decluttering.
5. Use Boxes for Clutter: Place items in a box; if you don't need them in a month, donate or discard the box.
6. Digitize Where Possible: Scan and save important documents and photos digitally.
7. Declutter Duplicates: Keep only one of each type of item (e.g., scissors, pens).
8. Minimize Decor: Keep decorations simple and meaningful.
9. Tackle Your Closet: Follow the capsule wardrobe concept—only keep versatile, essential clothing.
10. Clear Your Surfaces: Keep countertops, tables, and desks clear of clutter.

Simplifying Your Finances

11. Track Your Spending: Use a budgeting app to monitor your expenses.
12. Automate Savings: Set up automatic transfers to your savings account.
13. Consolidate Accounts: Reduce the number of bank and credit card accounts you have.
14. Cancel Unused Subscriptions: Review and cancel subscriptions you don’t use.
15. Set Financial Goals: Prioritize paying off debt and saving for the future.
16. Buy Quality Over Quantity: Invest in durable, high-quality items.
17. Create a Simple Budget: Use a basic budget to manage your finances.
18. Limit Impulse Purchases: Implement a 30-day waiting period for non-essential purchases.
19. Declutter Your Wallet: Remove unnecessary cards and receipts.
20. Use Cash: Pay with cash to better manage and limit spending.

Mindful Consumption

21. Adopt a Minimalist Diet: Eat simple, healthy foods.
22. Practice Mindful Shopping: Ask if you really need an item before purchasing.
23. Limit Social Media Use: Reduce time spent on social media to avoid consumerism.
24. Buy Experiences, Not Things: Spend money on experiences rather than material goods.
25. Support Local and Sustainable Businesses: Choose to buy from local, ethical sources.
26. Borrow Instead of Buy: Use libraries and borrowing services for books and tools.
27. Use Multi-Purpose Items: Choose items that serve multiple functions.
28. Repair Before Replacing: Fix items rather than buying new ones.
29. Embrace a No-Buy Period: Commit to a month or more without buying non-essential items.
30. Declutter Digital Devices: Clean up files and apps on your phone and computer regularly.

Simplifying Your Schedule

31. Prioritize Your Time: Focus on activities that align with your values and goals.
32. Learn to Say No: Politely decline commitments that don’t serve your priorities.
33. Create a Daily Routine: Develop a simple, consistent routine to manage your day.
34. Limit Screen Time: Reduce time spent on TV, phones, and computers.
35. Batch Tasks: Group similar tasks together to improve efficiency.
36. Use a Simple Planner: Keep track of your commitments with a basic planner.
37. Schedule Downtime: Ensure you have regular breaks and relaxation time.
38. Unsubscribe from Emails: Reduce email clutter by unsubscribing from non-essential lists.
39. Delegate Tasks: Share responsibilities to lighten your load.
40. Focus on Single-Tasking: Concentrate on one task at a time to improve productivity.

Simplifying Your Mindset

41. Practice Gratitude: Regularly reflect on things you’re thankful for.
42. Meditate Daily: Incorporate mindfulness or meditation into your daily routine.
43. Embrace Minimalist Aesthetics: Simplify your environment to promote calmness.
44. Let Go of Perfection: Accept that good enough is often better than perfect.
45. Focus on the Present: Practice being present in the moment.
46. Limit Media Consumption: Reduce exposure to news and media that stress you out.
47. Seek Simplicity in Relationships: Focus on meaningful connections.
48. Minimize Decision Fatigue: Simplify choices by limiting options.
49. Embrace Impermanence: Understand that possessions and circumstances are temporary.
50. Reflect Regularly: Take time to assess your life and make adjustments as needed.

These tips have helped me. Some more than others. The first 4 categories help the fifth for me. Don't try and do everything at once. Working through one at a time will simplify the various aspects of your life bit by bit, leading to more peace, clarity, and focus on what truly matters to you. Start small, stay consistent, and enjoy the journey towards a more minimalist lifestyle.

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Trav Bell - The Bucket List Guy

Trav Bell - The Bucket List Guy is the World's No1 Bucket List Expert. He & his global tribe of Certified Bucket List Coaches® are on a mission to help 10 million Bucket Listers to #tickitB4Ukickit.

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